The Realized Self by Mooji

So today as I was surfacing through my news feed on Facebook I happen to come across a post by Mooji. This post came at the perfect time. I was sitting, listening to music and thinking about the age old question “Who am I “? Well I’ve been on a journey of self discovery forContinue reading “The Realized Self by Mooji”

Love and Truth

I absolutely love this quote by Mooji. Honestly it couldn’t have come at a better time. My beloved Fanta passed away yesterday evening. I know many around me don’t understand how I could love a cat so much, but to me she was family. She gave me a reason to live when I thought IContinue reading “Love and Truth”


One of my facebook friends shared this photo today. It got me thinking about non-duality and oneness. It’s an image of Shiva and Shakti as one. This image has been stuck in my head because it reminds me of my own journey of finding harmony within and without. The balance that is illustrated is astonishingContinue reading “Harmony”