Love & Loss

I haven’t written in many years. Not because I didn’t desire to do so. I was too depressed and stuck in my head. My marriage was a horrid experience. Now, after 4 years of hell, I’m free. While I admit there were good moments, even dare I say happy moments, but they were always short lived. My ex, according to my therapist is a narcissist who suffers from BPD. I wish I would have known that before marriage, but I was blinded by his deception. 2019 was the year I found out he’d been cheating on me before we were married, and was still seeing multiple women. Even after knowing that, I still tried to be what he desired. My self-esteem and self-image was extremely damaged by him. I don’t blame him though. I made myself an easy target by being so submissive and naive.

I’ve spent this past few years trying to survive and find myself. Between Covid-19, my separation, death of family members, a career change, and being ill, I didn’t believe I was going to survive. …perhaps I didn’t want to survive. During this time period I prayed for death. I wanted to be free of this world. 2019-2020 were some of the worst years of my life. The light in my 2020 really centered around Beamer after Blue was killed by an irresponsible driver. I believe he’s the only reason I have continued on this journey. I lost my beloved Blue a few days before Christmas in 2019. My heart still laments over losing him. I would have preferred it was me who was killed instead of him. He was always so happy and joyful. He had a purpose for being. …I didn’t….I’m uncertain if I do currently. So 2019 ended in sadness. I have been melancholic for years but losing him took me to a much darker place. I will never forgive myself for not protecting him as I should have. Being in such a dark place did inspire my art and writing. I published a book for Kindle, “Memories of Love”, It’s a book of poetry and sonnets. It’s the story of my life. Though I’m proud of myself for taking a chance, I don’t really think it would have mattered if I didn’t.

Of course along the way I’ve made some friends and even found myself in a relationship. The new people who entered my life have become like family in many ways. It was a nice change. I’d gotten so used of being abused that I didn’t understand their kindness towards me. It is still puzzling today. I once spent several hours pondering why they had chosen to befriend me. I even have a confidant and I’m still trying to understand his interest in me. He’s been a great friend and his messages are often the highlight of my day. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. People typically use me and throw me away like yesterday’s trash, but him, he hasn’t asked for a single thing from me. He just enjoys my conversing with me. It’s a refreshing change. He even bought my book.

Then of course, I met a man who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I thought he’d be happy just being friends but he desired much more. I actually tried my best to push him away. Yet, he stayed. I even got on video chat at one point with my hair bonnet on, a big t-shirt gown, and no make up. He actually said I was beautiful. I was a bit thrown off by it. I told him about all of my issues, and bad qualities, and he essentially laughed at me. He said ” The Universe brought us together and he knows I’m his future wife. ” , of course I frowned and told him the Universe is lying. After everything I’ve been through, there was no way I was marrying again or for that matter even open to love. I had accepted that I was meant to be alone. I was content and focused on my career. I was thinking I can’t be loved, so I might as well make some money. Nonetheless, he continued to pursue me until I eventually said okay. Now, I can’t imagine life without him. The funny thing is, I never tried to impress him or put on airs. It was quite the opposite. I found it soothing to be so utterly free with him. Since we were on Covid-19 lock-down, it was just nice having someone to listen and simply keep me company. Since that faithful day, September 2nd, we’ve remained inseparable. This is the first authentic connection I’ve experienced. He opened my eyes to so many things I simply could not see. I’m forever indebted to him for teaching me how to smile again and showing me that love can exist without violence and abuse. I suppose we met at the right time. We were both broken and dealing with abuse and separation. We found comfort in each other. Neither of us are in a rush, we’re simply enjoying the flow of life and allowing it to lead. I’m in a good place, and I owe some credit to him. He’s become my absolute best friend along the way. My mom believes we are twin-flames simply because we are so much alike and often find ourselves in dejavu moments. He’s the man I plan to live out the rest of my years with. So I suppose one would say we’re in love but I don’t like that word, so I’ll say we are in compassion.

I am returning to blogging and self reflection, so you can expect regular posts. Today’s interesting moment occurred while I was out walking Beamer. I noticed the depth of roots and green leaves on the near by trees. I paused and remembered the arctic freeze. During that time nearly all the plant life around me was dead or dying. For the record these are palm trees, so they don’t really see winters. After all, I live in Texas. I had an interesting thought. These trees experienced something new and devastating at the same time. I stood reflecting and thinking I’m a tree. My life is a tree. I’ve weathered many storms, yet I have been strong enough to endure and overcome each devastation. It also made me realize how much I miss country life. Living in the city has it’s perks, but I’m certain this is not my final destination. I’ve been considering moving to Mexico. I suppose I just desire something different. I desire a more wholesome life. Living here will not likely provide it. After-all, I live in a concrete jungle.

Thank you all for supporting me throughout the years. I’m eternally grateful for all the comments of support. May compassion reach each of you always.

Update Time!

I honestly don’t know where to start hmm… so married life has been intense and I was slightly unprepared for the eventual culture clash. However, I have adjusted and embraced his Igbo culture. Having been raised by an American mom and a Zimbabwean father, I’ve always been around various ethnicities and cultures. Surprisingly, I’d never met an Igbo person. So my husband is my first. He’s extremely traditional and a very proud Aro Igbo. These few months have been exciting, liberating, depressing and tumultuous. We married in February. It was a small civil ceremony. I desired a really big lavish wedding, but after finding out his mother and brother wouldn’t be able to fly over, we decided to keep it simple and have a big ceremony in the future when his family will be able to attend. A few weeks after being married, I discovered I was pregnant.  The joy I felt I can’t describe. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. My husband and I celebrated with family and friends. Everything was perfect. Then on April 11th, in room 13, at 13 weeks, I miscarried triplets. I was beyond devastated. All I could do was cry. There was no comforting me. I locked myself away for weeks. My heart,  my soul, my spirit was broken. I didn’t believe I’d recover. In fact, I wanted to die. Life without my angels seemed useless. Eventually, I decided to  pray, chant, and write.  With the support of family and friends I regained a little composure. I’m still grieving but as of today I feel comfort in knowing that I got to briefly experience something so magical. So I’m grateful for those wonderful 13 weeks and all of the morning sickness. My husband didn’t handle things well either. Which is understandable. We have been working hard to get back on track. I believe through tragedy we often find a deeper respect for life. So I’m blessed to continue on this journey and experience all the wonders of life.

Of course,  I have to post a few pictures of the past few months.

This is me at 10 weeks and I looked 6 months lol.


Wedding day selfie


Frank and I, on Easter Sunday at Moody Gardens Rainforest Pyramid.


Civil ceremony on February 16th


My current look


My sweetheart Blue


My little man, Beamer



Last year was a crazy year for me. So I’ll start from where I left off. My lifestyle changes has basically reversed pcos. I rarely have symptoms at all. I’ve lost over a 147lbs and I’m feeling great. I am still following a keto lifestyle, because it has worked great for my pcos issues. So health wise I’m in great shape.

This past June, I discovered my fiancé was having an affair with his best friend’s wife. Needless to say I was extremely hurt and angry. He decided to tell me on our 7 yr anniversary. It didn’t go well. I kicked him out of my home, took back the mobile phone I bought him and changed my locks. The first few weeks was a struggle because I hadn’t lived alone in many years. Plus, he called incessantly wanting to work things out. I ultimately decided I was better off alone. So instead of dealing with his foolishness, I went back to university. I’m working towards a degree in laboratory science. It’s a major change for me. I’m doing great in university though. I have realized I can achieve anything as long as I believe in myself. I’m an A student and to my amazement I’m getting married next month to an amazing man. He literally swept me off my feet. Funny thing is I was so anti-relationships, and was actually enjoying dating. He didn’t take no for an answer. He told me on our first date I’m his future wife. I laughed and dismissed it as a joke. However, he was very serious. Once I started dating him, I stopped dating others. He is a very determined man lol. I’m happily in love. My family adores him and he fits in well. We have started building a life together the past few months and we’re both going through a transformation of sorts. So my life is going well and I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been.

Thank you all for all of your support, prayers and emails. To those who are going through hard times, don’t give up, believe in yourself, trust your instincts and continue moving forward no matter what obstacles may come.



Latest pictures down below:)


I’ve managed to successfully lose nearly a hundred 100lbs this past year. Several things have changed in my pursuit of getting healthy. I have been following a ketogenic plan recommended by my doctor. So far it has been the best decision I’ve made. My lab work improved and my hormones are balanced. Although,  I suffer from reactive hypoglycemia my insulin resistance is still an issue. My glucose is always between 80-90, but my body continues over producing insulin. Hopefully, overtime my pancreas will get the memo and behave normally lol. 

Latest pictures! 





These are a few selfies I’ve taken in the past few months. My face is slimmer.

Oh yeah,  I’ll post pictures of my latest crochet project I’m working on. It’s about half way finished. It’s a baby/toddler blanket made of wool/cashmere blended yarn.



This is before I started adding in the black.

New Year, New Plans

Happy New Year’s! This is the start of a new journey for me. For the past few months I’ve been making changes and now I’m ready to dive into life. Last year was riddled with all sorts of health problems and heartache. I’m finally feeling much better. I completely changed my diet to a ketogenic plan. I’ve managed to lose weight and ultimately I have been feeling loads better.  I also decided to open an Etsy shop. I’ll be selling amigurumi items, blankets, and etc. I have loads of free time now, so I figured I’d use it doing something I enjoy. I will be posting regularly again due to me being home mainly. So expect regular updates. Thank you all for following my journey!


Journey Update


I found this picture appropriate for my update post. Many things have happened to me, both good and the perceived bad.

I’ll start with March. In March, my grandmother passed away. It was a weird time for me. Though I loved her,  we were not close. Mainly because I’m a bit of a loner and also because of religious differences. It’s hard to be around anyone and not be able to be yourself.  I didn’t attend her funeral due to being on bed rest. A week prior I had become very ill due to pcos issues. So I feel bad for not saying goodbye. Yet, if she knew me, she would have rejected me. So this was weighing on my heart.

April, I decided I was going to start running.  I enjoyed the freedom of it. Not to mention it’s liberating. After a few weeks I injured my knee. So I took a break. I mainly focused on writing and tried to get back to painting.  Needless to say, I’m nearly done with my poetry book and I plan to publish it on smashwords. So look for it in the future. Oh yeah, did I mention Skye had a litter of pups. They’re the cutest little pups.

May was going great til one morning I awoke with chest pains. I thought I was having a heart attack. I was admitted to the hospital, though my heart was completely healthy. So doctors spent 4 days trying to figure out why I was having pain. Due to my allergies they couldn’t perform certain tests. So finally, they figure out that my blood is overly thick and clotting badly. So I was given injections. Which honestly helped tremendously. They didn’t figure out what was causing my blood to clot. I’m now on blood thinners til, well forever I guess. I will be seeing a specialist soon, so hopefully he’ll figure it out. So may was my second near death experience. I never realized how much I wanted to live til I almost died. So this experience gave me a new outlook on life and it’s value. It was also humbling.

In June and July,  I actually spent most of my time in silence, reflecting, and clearing away negativity. It was refreshing. I also went back to the basics spiritually. I mainly read books by Pema Chödrön and the teachings of Buddha. This helped me in so many ways. It especially helped me to heal from past tragedies.

Is it funny that I don’t remember what I did last month? I think it was day by day of nothingness.

My point of posting all of this is because in the last several months I have gotten to know me much better. I’ve been in awe of life and it’s many wonders. I’ve grown to appreciate my hard times and to keep on celebrating regardless. So I’m in a good place. I’m at peace with myself.