Update Time!

I honestly don’t know where to start hmm… so married life has been intense and I was slightly unprepared for the eventual culture clash. However, I have adjusted and embraced his Igbo culture. Having been raised by an American mom and a Zimbabwean father, I’ve always been around various ethnicities and cultures. Surprisingly, I’d neverContinue reading “Update Time!”


Last year was a crazy year for me. So I’ll start from where I left off. My lifestyle changes has basically reversed pcos. I rarely have symptoms at all. I’ve lost over a 147lbs and I’m feeling great. I am still following a keto lifestyle, because it has worked great for my pcos issues. SoContinue reading “Omg….Update!”


I always pass by these plants, in which my mother calls them blood of Jesus flowers. However, after some research I know for sure that’s not the appropriate name. The reason I’m sharing this information is because I had an awakening moment. These flowers are succulents. I noticed several had been pulled out the bunchContinue reading “Acceptance”

Postponement by Osho

We are postponing. That postponing becomes an inner dialogue, an inner monologue. Do not postpone. Live right here and now. And the more you live in the present, the less you will need this constant “minding”, this constant thinking. The less you will need it! This is there because of postponing, and we go onContinue reading “Postponement by Osho”